Tea + Tarot: New Moon in Cancer w/ Amber the Alchemist

July 10, 2021 at 12:00 am UTC on Zoom

Tea + Tarot: New Moon in Cancer w/ Amber the Alchemist

Sip your tea + prepare for a read 🍵🎴


Tea + Tarot is back for the New Moon In Scorpio!

I’ll be offering an in-depth reading surrounding Scorpio season + what guidance our ancestors have for us. Scorpio season rules death, transformation and while the veil it’s thin it’s important we take advantage of this time to elevate + commune with our ancestors.

All you need is an open heart, full presence, your drink (( or smoke)) of choice, + a journal for notes! 

If you’d like to join me in the ritual you can also include a lighting a white tea-light candle + praying to your honorable ancestors before this session.

There’s no set end time, delegate at least 2 hours to hang. Everyone is welcome 💓

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